Writing a blog involves having knowledge and interest in a certain subject area, and announcing this information to the general public via blogging. What better way to get your thoughts seen to people other than the internet? The internet has a such a large impact on our generation today that almost everyone spends a good hour online browsing.
This is now my second post to this blog, a blog which I wish to use to inform people about the Digital world, Digital Culture.
There are many different types of blogs online, some talk about celebrity gossip, news and information, my blog being more of the informational type, hopefully entertaining and fascinating.

By using videos, quotes, links and images I hope to engage and fascinate my audience, hopefully to help you learn new things you have never heard about, and draw you in to my side of interests, whilst also commenting different views or arguments.
The way that a blogger decides to write may also differ, some people may decide to write theres in a more interlectual manor, whilst others will take "easy-reading" side to what they are writing, usually depending on the type of blog you decide to write.
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