Rememeber that wonderful place called the libary? My parents used to constantly take me there as a child, I would enjoy all the different genres and stories I was surrounded by, but now-days people don't even think to take a trip to the libary, why would you when all the information you need is now found on the oh so famous, Google! I Libarys dissapeared, would anyone even take notice?
How about sitting with the family watching a Video infront of the TV? Bet you haven't done that in a long time, but yet again, why would you need to when you can download any movie online. We no longer feel interest in finding out news and interesting facts, because we can find everything we need to know quickly and easily without even reading the rest of the facts.
It has also taken to my notice, that instead of meeting with old friends face-to-face for lunch, we find ourselves communicating over the internet on such websites such as "Facebook" and "Myspace". It's the same with arguing, people who are now called "Keyboard Warriors" do not confront with people in real-life, but instead send messages online, sometimes seen as "Cyber Bullying".
Only a few decades ago the internet didn't even excist, so why would we find it so hard to live without it now? A couple of friends from University have said that they find it hard to concerntrate on work because they constantly seem to end up going back on socail websites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. They have become more interested in local gossip than their own education.
I have never been good at maths, but with cheap calculators selling everywhere, why should I be?
Words are spelt for us with spell check, food is blended for us with a blended, communication is made within seconds with a phone.
Technology is making us lazier and fatter, we are no wiser just because we find all our information on Google. Sometimes I think its a good idea just to put all technology down for a moment and take a look at the greater things in life, the real world.
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