I have heard some strange sayings lately, one being that, if your not "in a relationship" on Facebook, then your not actually in a relationship at all, totally blowing things our of proportion. Do we really need the internet to validate our everyday lives? Apparently so according to alot of the younger generation. It seems as though young people are communicating alot more within social networking sites than they do face to face, being able to say things they wouldn't usually say otherwise.
Since the age of 12 I have been using all sorts of public, social websites. I guess the fact that we can keep in touch with lost relatives and old school friends is a bonus, but should we be dwelling on the past so much? Go back 30 years, and if you lost contact with someone, that was it unless you bumped into them. Another question that constantly enters my mind is that, if we lived without phones for so long, why do we depend on them so much now? So many secrets and lies are hidden behind these private chat devices, couples cheating each other, friends gossiping about each other, and thats where the online arguing comes in, the fights and threats mostly covering over Facebook walls and inboxes.
I typed in Google and Youtube, "Fights over facebook" and I found myself in a realm of various arguments which developed over Facebook. People were arguing and fighting over some of the most ridiculous things, arguments that seemed to turn into real life confrontation. The video I have contained in this post is of a young girl that got murdered over $20, the argument began over Facebook, containing various threats via statuses. Is this really what our world is coming too? A world where people are getting killed for some of the most tiny and ridiculous things.
I remember when Myspace was one of the top crazes, I was about 14 years old and one of my friends had moved to Harlow, I would go there every weekend to see her at a club for under 18's. Somewhere along the way of these "exciting" visits full of J20 instead of Vodka I managed to make an enemy, her name I will not bring up, but we would argue constantly over Myspace, on Bulletins where everyone could quite clearly see what we was arguing about, it would start up huge arguments within alot of 14 year olds, and I'm telling you now, if there was no such thing as Myspace there would have been no such thing as the arguments.
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