Thursday, 9 February 2012

What is the issue with Robotics?

Think forward 50 years time, are you seeing a world of Robotics? Maybe even your best friend is a Robot? Your cleaner is a robot?
The root origin of the word "Robot" was "Slave" a device that can do the jobs we do not enjoy doing, but could this device get too the same intelligence level as us? A worry and theory that you may have seen in many "end of the world!" movies.

We can already interact with Artificial Intelligence online, using Xbox, Playstation or Wii we are welcome into a world where we can explore animated galaxy's fighting against or with Artificial Intelligence, online robots which almost learn from us to either help us out, or fight against us. Another point I would like to push onto, is since when did gaming become so masculine? I believe that girls were the Queens of designing made up games in the playground. Many games online and offline, are now designed for a much more masculine audience.

Another issue that could develop as robots develop is work running out for humans, robots have already taken jobs from humans, usually jobs that could be hazardous towards humans, but could it get worse? I am currently studying to hopefully one day become a Magazine Journalist, and I am starting to begin to think about whether it would be possible for machines to take over the story writing, would all news and articles end up being put online instead of in papers? A question that every worker now needs to take into consideration, seeing as Robots could be built to take our jobs, and do them better.

Robots in the beginning were science fiction, but as time goes on, and we as humans become more and more intelligent, the idea of robots living within and around us is deffinately becoming more realistic. Look at Drones for example, Wikipedia eplains it as being "powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload". Now who decides who takes control of this device? A very dangerous device in itself.

What happens when these robots go wrong? Theres the theory of Robots "Taking over the world!", now hopefully things won't get that dramatic, but i'm talking about Robots becoming such a key need for a lives in the future that we end up as couch potatoes with not a single thing we need to do ourselves anymore. Be honest, the human race is already becoming lazier by the day, hooked to mobile phones and computers, relying on cars to drive us places instead of walking, so do we really want to give up all our normal human behaviour?

In the video I have uploaded to my blog, we can already see the developement beginning over Robots with extremely human features. It is of course a very exciting idea, but should we worry? I think not for the moment, instead I believe I will enjoy the exciting idea of such a developement.

Whilst researching on Wikipedia I even found laws created for Robots, obviously for if a stage comes when Robots can actually understand the idea of laws. They say:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2.robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3.robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

A robot, which has been seen on such shows as Big Brother, is 8 foot, and after I watched this robot on TV, I would say is extremelly intelligent in the way it does thing. It communicates with humans by talking to them and carrys out human activities such as hoovering. I have found this amazing video of the friendly giant, Titan.

We can also see that these sort of 8ft robots seem to be coming into fashion, seen as funny and friendly creations.

So in years to come, will we see ourselves walking the streets with 8ft tall silver friends? I sort of hope so.

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