Virtualy is a computer simulated world, "An aspect of reality that is not material" - Wikipedia, 2009.
You may find that many teenage boys are sucked into the world of XBOX 360, where they dissapear into their bedrooms for hours on end to play virtual games accompanied by the avatars they create online. This fantasy world takes you through pixular adventures, a community based on dishonesty, acting as people we can only imagine really being. It is a world that exists through peoples imagination and dreams, fiction and fantasy.
In our lecture we created postcards which were sent from Mars, obviously not really sent from Mars but created from using our imaginations, being the crazy Enrique Iglesias fan, mine included Enrique sitting on Mars with a santa hat on... It showed a world of virtuality and dreams, dreams that are for obvious reasons, never going to come true.
Immersion exists purely through virtual reality, being within the virtual reality world. In the late 1980's aned early 90's goggles and gloves were used in order to show and be within a virtual world.
The first state of immersion is marrative immersion, this is an experience which humans commonly do, for example reading a book/magazine, taking them into another world of the imagination.
The second state being stragetic immersion which incorporates gaming, many people that have bought a game close to their own imagination and dreams, often getting to be someone they idolise may find themselves playing on it more than they do spend time in physical reality, totally closing our minds off of everything.
The third state is tactical immersion, to do with being in a trance or day dreaming, a common thing within students.
Simulation is usually an immitation of something real, for example at many arcades you may find a rocket or airplane simulator. Simulation can often be used for such things as training or purely due to entertainment giving a lifelike experience.
Take a look at Sims, a game where you can create a Avatar surrounded by your own family and friends which you decide to design, you decide what happens between relationships, and even life and death, your completely own world. I am one of the victims of Sims, still playing it at the age of 18, its an enjoyable time waster. However if you look at it properly its nothing like the reality of the world at all, and this is perhaps why alot of people enjoy playing these games in there spare time, getting away from everything into a world where they make the decisions.
The video I have posted above shows just how much video games are not like how reality is, how we are letting ourselves enjoy a world which is nothing like our world.
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