Sunday, 22 January 2012

Intellectual property, DRM and Creative Commons

Inetellectual Property allows people to own the work that they have created, for example, Brand, invention and design can all be legally owned, of course the owner is granted certain rights. Intellectual Property actually goes back as far as 1867 with the founding of the North German Confederation, who allowed legal power over the protection of Intellectual Property. The rights that come with Intellectual Property allow owners to certain rights and allow you to claim ownership and protection over your own creation.

Copyright is promotion of learning education and arts. "Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time."

With copyright you basically have the right to prevent others from creating copies of your own work. However in such countries as the USA you can give your rights to someone else, for example say your a singer you may want to give your rights to the producer so he can duplicate your music and sell copies and finally give you some percentage of the finances afterwards. However usually you will find that copyright expires, therefore anyone can use it without expenses.

Various moral justifications for private property can also be used to argue in favor of the morality of intellectual property, such as: Natural Rights/Justice Argument: this argument is based on Locke’s idea that a person has a natural right over the labour and/or products which is produced by his/her body. Appropriating these products is viewed as unjust. Although Locke had never explicitly stated that natural right applied to products of the mind,[23] it is possible to apply his argument to intellectual property rights, in which it would be unjust for people to misuse another's ideas.[24]
Utilitarian-Pragmatic Argument: according to this rationale, a society that protects private property is more effective and prosperous than societies that do not. Innovation and invention in 19th century America has been said to be attributed to the development of the patent system.[25] By providing innovators with "durable and tangible return on their investment of time, labor, and other resources", intellectual property rights seek to maximize social utility.[26] The presumption is that they promote public welfare by encouraging the "creation, production, and distribution of intellectual works".[27]
"Personality" Argument: this argument is based on a quote from Hegel: "Every man has the right to turn his will upon a thing or make the thing an object of his will, that is to say, to set aside the mere thing and recreate it as his own".[28] European intellectual property law is shaped by this notion that ideas are an "extension of oneself and of one’s personality"

But lets not get theft mixed up with copyright, if copyright was anything like theft would it not be dealt with properly like theft by the law? Therefore copyright would never exist as much as it does today. I can guarantee that if you put a group of people in the room who are regularly using their computers, almost all of them would admit do downloading music illegally.

Tim Berners-Lee who created the World Wide Web and also made it free, when it became free the web grew and become a lot more popular. It was free for people to share and enjoy.

A video that you often see at the start of DVD's or in cinemas, works in an effective way too hopefully stop piracy and people filming movies in the cinema. It also gives messages out that should shock the audience watching, trying to explain that piracy is just as bad as another other criminal activity.

I begin to wonder, if in the future there will ever be such things as CD's and DVD's, you can easily watch films for free on the Internet and download music illegally.

A story I found online explains that you could find yourself in jail for 10 years for illegal downloading.

The link above is too a video which will slightly shock anyone.

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